

Hofinet invited nine countries from different continents to participate in its pilot phase: Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, the Netherlands, France, South Africa, Thailand and Indonesia. For these countries extensive statistical and qualitative data were collected by local editors and the questionnaire was adjusted based on their feedback. These results were posted in 2010 when HOFINET went live. HOFINET is continuously expanding the number of countries for which it collects extensive data. It also provides Data-at-a-Glance  tables with select variables for a larger number of countries.

Country pages provide structured data on individual countries, with succinct, continuously updated and standardized information on their housing and housing finance system. The editor for each page is either a respected and credible professional from the country or a housing finance institution from the country. Editors are responsible for development and maintenance of content on their page and for responding to inquiries related to their site via a blog site or through email.

Country pages follow a similar format and data and indices on the housing finance sector follow the same definitions for comparability of information.

The Research Center allows for direct country comparisons and tabulations. Longitudinal data for each variable are entered where available and can be downloaded in the research center by clicking on the years.

A complete country page includes:

Meet the Editor

Descriptive Assessment of the Housing Finance System


Extended Statistical Tables

> Macro-economic, Demographic and Housing Market Information

> The Housing Finance System: Industry Structure and Performance; Size of the Mortgage Sector; Housing Finance Products; Lending and Servicing Process; Credit Risk Assessment; Funding Sources; Microfinance for Housing

>  Housing Finance Policy:  Legal and Regulatory Framework; Housing Finance Subsidies; Taxation

Country Resources

> Documents and Selected Publications

> Databases

> Laws, Executive Orders and Circulars

> Web Links to Key Institutions

> Links to theme pages are provided in the text.

Size of Mortgage Sector

Mortgage Debt to GDP by National Income

Funding the Mortgage Market

Visualizing Country Data from Research Center

Source: Housing Finance Information Network (HOFINET):