General Assessment

Main constraints in the development of the housing finance sector  
New developments that will have a major impact on the sector 
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Notes: "Capital gains on real property are taxable in Venezuela according to progressive tax table rates… the gain may not be taxable if it results from the sale of the principal family residence, if the gain is reinvested in another principal home."
Notes: "Capital gains on real property are taxable in Venezuela according to progressive tax table rates… the gain may not be taxable if it results from the sale of the principal family residence, if the gain is reinvested in another principal home."
Notes: BANESCO is the country's largest bank by market share.
Notes: Base Year
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Figure listed is information of mortgage loans from banking system but not limited to housing sector.
Notes: Fund for Obligatory Savings for Housing (FAOV) consists of savings from individuals and employers (3% of monthly salary of employees; 2% paid by employer and 1% by worker). These funds allow workers progressive access to housing loans and to qualify for mortgage subsidies sponsored by BANAVIH through commercial banks.
Notes: Fund for Obligatory Savings for Housing (FAOV) consists of savings from individuals and employers (3% of monthly salary of employees; 2% paid by employer and 1% by worker). These funds allow workers progressive access to housing loans and to qualify for mortgage subsidies sponsored by BANAVIH through commercial banks.
Notes: Fund for Obligatory Savings for Housing (FAOV) consists of savings from individuals and employers (3% of monthly salary of employees; 2% paid by employer and 1% by worker). These funds allow workers progressive access to housing loans and to qualify for mortgage subsidies sponsored by BANAVIH through commercial banks.
Notes: Fund for Obligatory Savings for Housing (FAOV) consists of savings from individuals and employers (3% of monthly salary of employees; 2% paid by employer and 1% by worker). These funds allow workers progressive access to housing loans and to qualify for mortgage subsidies sponsored by BANAVIH through commercial banks.
Notes: Government can help low-income households with a one-time or gradual disbursement of money to own a house, under Direct Subsidy scheme.
Notes: Government can help low-income households with a one-time or gradual disbursement of money to own a house, under Direct Subsidy scheme.
Notes: Government can provide a direct housing subsidy once to low income families who qualify for such assistance. Subsidy will be granted either in a single or progressive way toward acquisition, expansion, self-construction, or improvements of a main dwelling.
Notes: Government can provide a direct housing subsidy once to low income families who qualify for such assistance. Subsidy will be granted either in a single or progressive way toward acquisition, expansion, self-construction, or improvements of a main dwelling.
Notes: Government sponsored Mortgage Guarantee.
Notes: Government sponsored Mortgage Guarantee.
Notes: Interest rates are capped at 4.33%,10.66% and 16.4% for low, medium and high income individuals respectively.
Notes: Interest rates are capped at 4.33%,10.66% and 16.4% for low, medium and high income individuals respectively.
Notes: Interest rates are capped at lower levels by law depending on income bracket. 4.66% interest rate for income less than 4 times minimum wage. 6.66% interest rate for income between 4-6 times minimum wage. 8.66% interest rate for income between 6-8 times minimum wage. 10.66% interest rate for income between 8-15 times minimum wage. These social interest rate caps apply only to borrowers who contribute their income to the Fondo de Ahorro Obligatorio para la Vivienda (FAOV).
Notes: Interest rates are capped at lower levels by law depending on income bracket. 4.66% interest rate for income less than 4 times minimum wage. 6.66% interest rate for income between 4-6 times minimum wage. 8.66% interest rate for income between 6-8 times minimum wage. 10.66% interest rate for income between 8-15 times minimum wage. These social interest rate caps apply only to borrowers who contribute their income to the Fondo de Ahorro Obligatorio para la Vivienda (FAOV).
Notes: Interest rates are capped at lower levels by law depending on income bracket. 4.66% interest rate for income less than 4 times minimum wage. 6.66% interest rate for income between 4-6 times minimum wage. 8.66% interest rate for income between 6-8 times minimum wage. 10.66% interest rate for income between 8-15 times minimum wage. These subsidies are funded by the obligatory contributions from employees and employers, and loans are guaranteed by government sponsored Mortgage Guarantee Fund.
Notes: Interest rates are capped at lower levels by law depending on income bracket. 4.66% interest rate for income less than 4 times minimum wage. 6.66% interest rate for income between 4-6 times minimum wage. 8.66% interest rate for income between 6-8 times minimum wage. 10.66% interest rate for income between 8-15 times minimum wage. These subsidies are funded by the obligatory contributions from employees and employers, and loans are guaranteed by government sponsored Mortgage Guarantee Fund.
Notes: Interest rates are capped by law and are called Social Interest rates.
Notes: Interest rates are capped by law and are called Social Interest rates.
Notes: Lending institutions are mandated to lend 20% of their portfolio towards mortgages.
Notes: Lending institutions are mandated to lend 20% of their portfolio towards mortgages.
Notes: National Percentage
Notes: Real estate taxes are set by the municipality on which property is located.
Notes: Real estate taxes are set by the municipality on which property is located.
Notes: The Congress of the Republic of Venezuela passes laws on mortgages and regulates the industry.
Notes: The Congress of the Republic of Venezuela passes laws on mortgages and regulates the industry.
Notes: The Congress of the Republic of Venezuela passes laws on mortgages and regulates the industry.
Notes: The Congress of the Republic of Venezuela passes laws on mortgages and regulates the industry.
Notes: The Guarantee Fund covers the payment of principal, interest owed, premiums owed, trial costs, condomonium fees, utility charges, municipal taxes and hosing repairs associated with financing contracts whose level of delinquency will lead to foreclosure. The guarantee will also cover payment of balance due in the case of death or portion of balance due in case of unemployment.
Notes: The Guarantee Fund covers the payment of principal, interest owed, premiums owed, trial costs, condomonium fees, utility charges, municipal taxes and hosing repairs associated with financing contracts whose level of delinquency will lead to foreclosure. The guarantee will also cover payment of balance due in the case of death or portion of balance due in case of unemployment.
Notes: The Guarantee Fund covers the payment of principal, interest owed, premiums owed, trial costs, condomonium fees, utility charges, municipal taxes and hosing repairs associated with financing contracts whose level of delinquency will lead to foreclosure. The guarantee will also cover payment of balance due in the case of death or portion of balance due in case of unemployment.
Notes: The Guarantee Fund covers the payment of principal, interest owed, premiums owed, trial costs, condomonium fees, utility charges, municipal taxes and hosing repairs associated with financing contracts whose level of delinquency will lead to foreclosure. The guarantee will also cover payment of balance due in the case of death or portion of balance due in case of unemployment.
Notes: The registry for real estate is in Cuba, making it difficult to conduct proper real estate transactions or to identify owners.
Notes: The total property transfer tax, including all duties and payments, is 2.5%
Notes: Workers and employers contribute 3% of income (1% and 2% respectively) toward the Fondo de Ahorro Obligatorio para la Vivienda (FAOV). Contributors to this fund are eligible for housing loan subsidies.
Notes: Workers and employers contribute 3% of income (1% and 2% respectively) toward the Fondo de Ahorro Obligatorio para la Vivienda (FAOV). Contributors to this fund are eligible for housing loan subsidies.
Notes: Workers and employers contribute 3% of income (1% and 2% respectively) toward the Fondo de Ahorro Obligatorio para la Vivienda (FAOV). Contributors to this fund are eligible for housing loan subsidies.
Notes: Workers and employers contribute 3% of income (1% and 2% respectively) toward the Fondo de Ahorro Obligatorio para la Vivienda (FAOV). Contributors to this fund are eligible for housing loan subsidies.