General Assessment

Main constraints in the development of the housing finance sector  
New developments that will have a major impact on the sector 
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Notes: 2010=100
Notes: 2010=100
Notes: 2010=100
Notes: 2010=100
Notes: Bureau/registry credit scores are not offered as a value-added service to help banks and financial institutions assess the creditworthiness of borrowers
Notes: Bureau/registry credit scores are not offered as a value-added service to help banks and financial institutions assess the creditworthiness of borrowers
Notes: National Rate
Notes: Only about 4,500 people were categorised as being unemployed, resulting in an unemployment rate of 4.6%; 4.1% for males and 5.2% for females. The unemployment rates are 12% and 2% in the urban and rural areas respectively. If subsistence workers were included as part of the unemployed — on the grounds that these people would look for work if they believed cash work was available in their labour market community — the total unemployment level would increase to 46,395 people, or an unemployment rate of 47% (43% for males and 51% for females, and 20% for the urban area and 55% in rural areas). While this assumption would not apply to all individuals in this group, it would likely apply to a proportion of them. Depending on the assumptions a user of these data may wish to use, the resulting unemployment rate would fall somewhere between 4.6% and 47%.