Housing and Urbanisation in Algeria between 1966 and 2008

The Quarterly Journal of the International Union for Housing Finance

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Date Published 2011
Primary Author Acidi Abdelhak
Other Authors Brakchi Souad, Khamchoul Kamel
Theme Housing Demand, Housing Finance Policy, Housing Market Analysis
Country Algeria


After Algerian independence in 1962, the houses abandoned by Europeans made it possible to temporarily fulfil the important demand caused by rural emigration. According to Côte (Côte, M, 1999), upon the departure of the Europeans, approximately 700,000 houses were recovered by the Algerians. During this time, the State was not worried about the problem of housing supply and concentrated its efforts on the creation of economically productive sectors. In addition, the war of liberation had caused damage to the rural areas, in particular to rural housing which had undergone much damage, and consequently had regressed. This present study focus on three major points: firstly to introduce the development of urbanisation in Algeria (Breil, M.J, 1957) between 1966 and 2008. Secondly, to describe the state of housing in the same period and thirdly to show in terms of housing, regional disparities taking into account different indicators.

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