2012 Yearbook: Housing Finance in Africa

Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa; FinMark Trust

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Date Published 2012
Primary Author Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa; FinMark Trust
Other Authors
Country Kenya, Malawi , Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda , Zimbabwe


This is the third edition of the Housing Finance in Africa Yearbook. Since last year, we have added seven new country profiles and three regional profiles, updated the existing 29 profiles, and sought out new data sources. We have been monitoring the news so that this yearbook accurately reflects the mood and temperature of housing finance markets on the African continent in 2012. The Yearbook is intended to provide housing finance practitioners, investors, researchers and government officials with a current update of practice and developments in housing finance in Africa, reflecting the dynamic change and growth evident in the market. It is hoped that this yearbook will also highlight the opportunities available for new initiatives, and help practitioners find one another as they strive to participate in the sector. While the general aim of the yearbook is to offer a broad overview of housing finance and housing development in Africa, special emphasis is placed on the key challenge of housing affordability and access to housing processes, as well as the critical need for housing products and finance that are explicitly targeted at the income profiles of the majority. This has been a desktop study. Using the CAHF’s housing finance sector studies as baseline material, further information on more recent developments was accessed from media reports, journal articles and practitioner websites. In some cases, material was shared by local practitioners. Of course, the yearbook is not comprehensive, neither in the scope of countries covered nor the data provided. It is intended as an introduction, with the hopes that the detail will whet the appetite for more. The CAHF invites readers to provide comment and share their experiences on what they are doing in housing finance in Africa.

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