General Assessment

Main constraints in the development of the housing finance sector  
New developments that will have a major impact on the sector 
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Notes: 2010 = 100
Notes: 2010 = 100
Notes: Bank of Ceylon's Housing Loan Scheme
Notes: Data available only till September 2013.
Notes: Domestic Credit Figure = 1630858 Rs. Mn.
Notes: Domestic Credit Figure = 1920515 Rs. mn.
Notes: Domestic Credit Figure = 2628418 Rs. mn.
Notes: Domestic Credit Figure = 3176184 Rs. mn.
Notes: Houses with Mud, Wood, Sand and Concrete as floor material.
Notes: Maximum payment for loan servicing should not exceed 40% of monthly income, including all fixed commitments
Notes: Micro finance loans are offered for housing repairs and improvements
Notes: National Percentage
Notes: Sri Lanka Insurance is a state-owned company which provides mortgage protection insurance
Notes: Sri Lanka Insurance is a state-owned company which provides mortgage protection insurance
Notes: Table 68 - Commercial Banks' Loans and Advances to the Private Sector - Personal Housing including Purchasing/Construction/Repairs = 160133 Rs. Mn.
Notes: Table 68 - Commercial Banks' Loans and Advances to the Private Sector Personal Housing including Purchasing/Construction/Repairs = 133315 Rs. Mn.
Notes: Table 68 - Commercial Banks' Loans and Advances to the Private Sector Personal Housing including Purchasing/Construction/Repairs = 136083 Rs. Mn.
Notes: Table 69A - Commercial Banks' Loans and Advances to the Private Sector Personal Housing including Purchasing/Construction/Repairs = 112756 Rs. Mn.
Notes: This is for employed persons. For self-employed it is fifteen years